Beautiful. Theological. Accessible.

Through my writing, I hope to...

Fill your mind with beauty

Fill your heart with wonder

Fill your soul with understanding  

Journey with me out of the mind and into the heart.

Sometimes I find myself living halfway. With a love for Truth can sometimes come a loss of wonder. I know that God loves me in my head, but do I know it in my heart? I write to teach my heart the things that only my head understands. There is beauty in brokenness. God is love. The grace of the Lord peeks from every shadow, shines from every darkness. Let my story be yours.


Ella Rose Becker

Aspiring Author

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Read my writing and experience what I have experienced: A God who is more real than the nose on your face, closer than the air that you breathe. Open your heart to know His beauty and sit in wonder and worship as the Holy Spirit gives you understanding.


Ella Rose Becker

Ella Rose Becker converts tea, chocolate, and existential crises into books. Ella Rose writes to remind herself and others of Truths her mind knows and heart rejects. She is passionate about “getting past the watchful dragons” to remind people that there is always hope. This is not the end of the story.

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