Coming soon!

The Gentle Shepherd

Ella’s one desire is to escape the fear she faces daily and flee with her sheep to the Greener Pastures, where she can have peace. But after a debilitating injury, she must learn to accept the help of the only person who had ever shown her kindness, the confusing shepherd Jesse Benadam.

Why do writers write?

Why do people worship?

For me, the answer is the same...

 I wrote The Gentle Shepherd in March of 2023 as an act of worship. In a deeply personal story I didn’t plan to share, I stopped trying to tell God how well He was comforting me. I showed Him through story instead. Even though He already knew.

When I reread my first draft in May, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. “Ella Rose,” He said. “I want you to share this story with the world.”

My book is just about finished. I’m ready to obey and publish. There’s only one thing missing.


I have been given a story to share with you. I need people to read my writing and tell others about it! I don’t want to be the only character in this story—you can be part of it, too.


Where You Come In...

I need 400 people to subscribe to my email newsletter. This is where I’ll send you monthly updates about what’s happening on my side of the screen. You’ll know when we reach our goal and be the first to find out when this book enters the world. You can sign up below or send this page to friends you think would also be interested!


Ella Rose Becker

Ella Rose Becker converts tea, chocolate, and existential crises into books. Ella Rose writes to remind herself and others of Truths her mind knows and heart rejects. She is passionate about “getting past the watchful dragons” to remind people that there is always hope. This is not the end of the story.

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